Upcoming Meetings/Events:
Save the dates!
19 January 2025: Annual Awards Banquet
Maggiano's Little Italy, Durham, NC
We will not have a full meeting. We will hand out awards for the 2024 year and discuss the nominating committee. (This is NOT a dog-friendly event as it is indoors at a restaurant.)
Additional nominations to the Board of Directors may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at that meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
And lastly-since this IS our Awards Banquet, if your dog earned an AKC-recognized title in 2024, please send the following information to [email protected] :
18 Feb 2025: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
22 Mar. 2025 [Nomination Meeting]
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: TBD
Additional nominations to the Board of Directors may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at this meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
8 Apr. 2025: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
3 May 2025
Annual Elections and Member Meeting
Location: Town & Country Animal Hospital
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
TBD June 2025: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
TBD July 2025
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: TBD
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
*All Board conference calls and meetings are open to the membership, but you will have to contact the President of the club for the conference call information or for the location of the face-to-face meeting.
Save the dates!
19 January 2025: Annual Awards Banquet
Maggiano's Little Italy, Durham, NC
We will not have a full meeting. We will hand out awards for the 2024 year and discuss the nominating committee. (This is NOT a dog-friendly event as it is indoors at a restaurant.)
Additional nominations to the Board of Directors may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at that meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
And lastly-since this IS our Awards Banquet, if your dog earned an AKC-recognized title in 2024, please send the following information to [email protected] :
- Your dog’s registered name and call name
- Title(s) earned and date(s) earned
- Owner’s name(s)
- Breeder’s name(s)
18 Feb 2025: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
22 Mar. 2025 [Nomination Meeting]
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: TBD
Additional nominations to the Board of Directors may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at this meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
8 Apr. 2025: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
3 May 2025
Annual Elections and Member Meeting
Location: Town & Country Animal Hospital
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
TBD June 2025: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
TBD July 2025
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: TBD
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
*All Board conference calls and meetings are open to the membership, but you will have to contact the President of the club for the conference call information or for the location of the face-to-face meeting.
Past Meetings
14 January 2024: Annual Awards Banquet
Maggiano's Little Italy, Durham, NC
We will not have a full meeting. We will hand out award for the 2023 year and discuss the nominating committee.
Additional nominations may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at this meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
And lastly-since this IS our Awards Banquet, if your dog earned an AKC-recognized title in 2023, please send the following information to [Contact email] :
20 Feb. 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference cal
23 Mar. 2024 [Nomination Meeting]
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: Cavalier Conformation by AKC Judge Gwen Wells
Additional nominations to the Board of Directors may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at this meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
9 Apr. 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
4 May 2024
Annual Elections and Member Meeting
Location: Town & Country Animal Hospital
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
18 June 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
13 July 2024
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: TBD
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
6 Aug 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
2024 CCCKCSC Annual Specialty Specialty Show in Greensboro, August 17 and 18 at the Greensboro Convention Center.
Aug. 17 & 18, 2024
Saturday Specialty
Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes:
We will open up our trophy sponsorship to those outside our club. In order to have your name and kennel name (or honorship/memoriam) printed in our premium for our Specialty in August, you will need to sign up and pay for your sponsorship by 31 March 2024.
14 Sept. 2024
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: Program by Trish Koontz, certified instructor in Freestyle . The program is fun, members will be up on floor working with their dogs.
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
15 Oct 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
16 Nov. 2024
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
10 Dec. 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
*All Board conference calls and meetings are open to the membership, but you will have to contact the President of the club for the conference call information or for the location of the face-to-face meeting.
14 January 2024: Annual Awards Banquet
Maggiano's Little Italy, Durham, NC
We will not have a full meeting. We will hand out award for the 2023 year and discuss the nominating committee.
Additional nominations may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at this meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
And lastly-since this IS our Awards Banquet, if your dog earned an AKC-recognized title in 2023, please send the following information to [Contact email] :
- Your dog’s registered name and call name
- Title(s) earned and date(s) earned
- Owner’s name(s)
- Breeder’s name(s)
20 Feb. 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference cal
23 Mar. 2024 [Nomination Meeting]
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: Cavalier Conformation by AKC Judge Gwen Wells
Additional nominations to the Board of Directors may be made during the March meeting by any member in attendance provided the person nominated does not decline when their name is proposed. If the proposed candidate is not present at this meeting, the proposer should have a written statement from the proposed candidate stating he/she is willing to be a candidate.
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
9 Apr. 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
4 May 2024
Annual Elections and Member Meeting
Location: Town & Country Animal Hospital
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
18 June 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
13 July 2024
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: TBD
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
6 Aug 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
2024 CCCKCSC Annual Specialty Specialty Show in Greensboro, August 17 and 18 at the Greensboro Convention Center.
Aug. 17 & 18, 2024
Saturday Specialty
Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes:
We will open up our trophy sponsorship to those outside our club. In order to have your name and kennel name (or honorship/memoriam) printed in our premium for our Specialty in August, you will need to sign up and pay for your sponsorship by 31 March 2024.
14 Sept. 2024
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
Topic: Program by Trish Koontz, certified instructor in Freestyle . The program is fun, members will be up on floor working with their dogs.
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
15 Oct 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
16 Nov. 2024
12:30pm to 3:00pm
Town & Country Animal Hospital
The entrance to the room we use is to the LEFT of the front entrance of the building and around the back of the building. Please be sure the gate SHUTS before you open the door to the room! We have some very talented escape artists!
We get to use a large, indoor, air conditioned room where we allow our Cavaliers to be off-leash. We discuss different topics at each meeting and socialize afterwards.
Bring a folding chair in which to sit and a snack to share. Please bring your dog(s)! You do NOT have to be a member to attend the meeting.
10 Dec. 2024: CCCKCSC Board of Directors Conference call*
*All Board conference calls and meetings are open to the membership, but you will have to contact the President of the club for the conference call information or for the location of the face-to-face meeting.